Friday, 2 January 2009

Oh, Happy New Year!

Well before we all knew it 2009 has arrived! If you happen to be reading this, then I wish you a lot of happiness and success this year, so long as you are not a paedophile or suchlike evil being.

2009 shall be the year of firsts and lasts for me! First time being a bridesmaid, travelling by myself, having no school obligations whatsoever. But it also means taking final exams, leaving school and sixth form for good, having a last day at work, saying goodbyes...eep.
It all seems a bit overwhelming at the moment.

But that's not for a while yet!
My new years resolutions haven't followed the usual path of lose weight, get fit blah blah blah. Oh no. I've set out two fairly achieveable goals:
1.) Master katakana (maybe master some kanji)
2.) Take up tai chi

The first resolution (although I'd rather call it a goal) has already begun! I got most of the katakana down, it's just remembering them in random order and certain ones which is taking time. Spending a whole lot of money on japanese books has been a good motivator (although not so easy on the bank) but...I guess it's an investment for the future! Or something like that...

January unfortunately also means EXAMS, french and biology to be exact, which does not appeal to me. I'm hoping tai chi will help stop the stress and make with the chilling out.

So, whilst I revise, work, revise and make some unnecessary but pretty wall charts:
happy new year!

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