1.) Confrontation
I firmly believe there are two types of people in this world, those who are happy to live their lives without much fuss, and those who look for arguments. Now, the latter ones are the ones I have consistently had to eradicate from my life, for eighteen years I have let people in, realised 'Oh dear...they are one of those', and somehow (thankfully) lost them on the way.
These people are what is wrong with our world today, every single dictator in history is, what I like to call a 'Confronter' or 'Negative bastard'.
The only thing worse than a N.B is the person who puts up with their bastarding ways. This may sound a bit strong, I mean, obviously people aren't putting up with Mugabe because they want to...but those people who have a choice, who can step away from the N.Bs but choose not to, for ease of life, they are only helping to breed the hate.
This topic has been running through my mind, as lately I have realised more people than I thought are N.Bs. Not all the time, but there is definately a certain 'confrontational' trait inside them which from time to time springs up and makes them the most unbearable person ever.
I'm sure everybody has there bad days, and has arguments. But lately it has become clear that some are so much worse than others.
Plotting against other people, deliberately finding unnecessary 'faults' in one person, talking behind their backs, not just to friends, but to anyone that will listen.
As a young woman, I know how much women bitch to each other, but sometimes it gets to a point where you step back and realise: 'WOAH. You are an actual negative bastard.'
The problem is that, these people do not mean to be N.Bs, by nature they are not N.Bs. It just springs up from a single problem and becomes horrifying clear to N.B eradicators like myself.
As a general rule, I cannot abide negativity or nasty behaviour which is completely irrational or (honestly) provoked.
When you realise some of your nearest and dearest friends are Negative Bitches (in this case), it's a real smack in the face.
Do I stand back and let them breed this hatred in the hope that it's a one off?
Or do I follow the strict rules of Bastard Eradication and say 'grow up, or shove off?'
An internal dilemma.
2.) Unawareness
In French class today we got discussing about Israel and Palestine and the Taliban rule in Afghanistan. It's these discussions that make me realise how unaware I am.
And it's not just unawareness on the lack of women's rights in Arab countries, society today is unaware about everything that is going on in the world. As our teacher said, not one child in our school really knows about the wars in Sudan, stoning of 'adulterous' women in most Arab countries or even what our country's new budget means.
It was shocking to sit there and realise how ignorant I had been to all of this. How scary to think that adults and children are walking around with their eyes closed to all of the killings, corrupt politics, abuse and terror going on.
Some people say it's pointless watching the news because it's always so depressing. Well, yes. That's the world we live in and we have to accept it.
We have to open our eyes to what's going on, or it will carry on. We have to educate people about these issues, heck, I need to educate myself.
The happy ignorance has officially been broken.
'Yeah, you know Meryl Streep'
'Oh, the country?'
Not everything about this post is depressive.
Ben, you make me smile everyday.
Oh Sam, your Ben makes me lol too!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that N.Bs as you call them have been getting you down and I feel bad, because I know I haven't been little miss sweetheart, ray of sunshine, queen of daisies, and have been bitchy in my own complaining way about whats been going on. >.< Seriously if I'm getting on your nerves, or am being bitchy and negative tell me "You're being ridiculous, shut up."
Your post kinda hit me with the realisation part. It's...something I know happens but hasn't registered and I feel bad for not letting it register, been so caught up in my own drift I forget the world has bigger problems >.<
Funny, how from one post that seems to be a bit of a rant on life, you've kicked some sense into me. Haha!
Love you sweetie
Aw sweetie, don't worry, this wasn't aimed at you!
ReplyDeleteEverybody has negative days, but it has hit me lately how insignificant some 'problems' are if you look at the bigger picture.
Hope you're okay lover xxx