Rhodes was amazing. Peaceful time spent with my love, eating, sleeping, healing and recovering from one hectic school year.
I have realised that I haven't written a decent poem/short story in a very long time. In fact, not since I have been in a relationship. Looking back at my past works they are all pretty depressive, there seems to be a strong correlation with unhappiness and my need to write.
That being said, I wouldn't say I was unhappy being single...lonely maybe? I just lacked this incredible contentedness and sense of well being that the last 18 months have given me.
Still, no poems...and for some reason I don't like the idea of writing love poems. It seems so cliched, and I can never convey exactly what I want to say, there are never words significant enough.
I recently read an interview with Simon Pegg in the Guardian, one of the questions was:
What does love feel like?
'Like being a bit sick, in a nice way.'
It's the most accurate description I have read so far.
(photo taken by Ben)
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