Trafic ferroviaire interrompu, inondations, glissements de terrain, rencontres sportives reportées : les fortes pluies - 200 litres d’eau au m2 en une journée - qui se sont abattues sur le Pays basque hier ont fait de nombreux dégâts. Le trafic SNCF est maintenant rétabli mais la ville de Bayonne porte encore les stigmates des intempéries qui ont balayé la région.
Basically, Bayonne (ten minutes up the road) is screwed. Most houses are under a foot of water, the ones nearer the river even more.
A guy staying here can't move into his new house now because it's flooded.
The trains have stopped, so the hostel in Biarritz is probably inundated.
It hasn't stopped raining for more than ten minutes in twenty four hours, this rain is heavy, a constant heavy downpour. You can't go out for two seconds without getting soaked.
Yesterday, in bored desperation we bundled in a van and headed to the 'Irish pub' in Biarritz, for hot chocolate whilst it poured down.
I woke up this morning with wet feet to find a nice leak above the end of my bed.
However, this is nothing compared to the tents swimming around outside. Poor guys.
Well now I'm going to try and surf, that's if my surfing friends haven't drowned in their tents during the night.
Geeze man! That looks ridiculous! Be careful don't get sick umma! xxxx