Friday, 6 November 2009

Montrez moi le chemin

So I just re-read the blog I wrote on my second day in France, over two months ago...

I wrote this promise that morning:

'I will stick it out for two months. If, and only if by the 1st November I still feel homesick, unsure and unwelcome, I will leave.’
It’s signed and dated.
Now just to see if I can keep this promise to myself.'

Well, I kept that promise to myself. It's the 7th of November and I am still here, a hell of a lot more sure of myself and confident.
I can remember the feeling when I woke up, my first real day in France, alone.
To think of how far I have come, emotionally, mentally, physically, is quite amazing really. I mean to anyone else it probably seems like nothing, but to put yourself so far out of your comfort zone (at my age) is pretty scary and pretty life changing.

I have about three weeks left in the auberge, then home, which I am really looking forward to...
And then...

The next challenge.

Gotta keep moving forward, never look back with regret.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing so great Sammy! I'm so proud of you!!!
    I can't wait to see you back home and have lots of hugs.
    Love you
