Saturday 28 February 2009

'Flying balls?'

Alas, the frenchies have left back to Franceland.
It's been a week of non stop franglais, misinterpretations and very tiring non-alone time.
For their last night we took them out for drinks, fifteen year old overexcited frenchies and drink does not mix, let me tell you.

Romain: 'Sam, you know where we can buy some flying balls?'
Sam: 'Err...flying balls? Like BB pellets?'
Romain: *confused face* 'Err no, like the ones filled with air'


Sam: 'Oh! You mean balloons?!'
Romain: 'Yeah! Where can we get some that fly?'
Sam: 'You mean float...why do you want some?'
Romain: 'To eat the air, the helium and change the voice!'
Sam: 'Err...okay...'

And he was meant to be the comprehensible one.

Sunday 15 February 2009

'V' day

When a gangly man gets in your bed...

Poses with your stuffed animals...

And generally makes you smile like a fool after a tiring day...
Yeah, that's love.

I'm not such a fan of Valentines day, but it was nice this year.
Here's to being a 'loser couple'.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Dear Ruki,

Why must you be so breathtakingly beautiful and perfect? Why? Why?!
Oh my goodness....

Anyway, now that that frustrated Ruki loving rant is over, I'm currently obsessed with the band Paris Motel. They are fronted by the extremely talented Amy May, who apparently plays virtually all the instruments on their debut album 'In the Salpêtrière.' They string arrangements are very melodic and catchy, with a lot of viola, very flowing, kind of fairytale-ish.
I especially love 'My Demeter' and 'After Wanda' made me cry, it's so beautiful.

If you like Beirut, Regina Spektor or even some Delano Orchestra stuff, please check them out.

Tuesday 3 February 2009


Actual snow??!
You better believe it.
But England is so useless when it comes to this kind of weather, in Russia this is everyday normality, but here? Oh no, EVERYTHING MUST STOP. No school, no work, no emergency services?
I feel really sorry for a few friends I know, who should be going to an LM.C concert in London today...but, with the state of the trains, it looks like a no-go! Kind of glad now I didn't book a ticket.
Ahhh, even though we are a pathetic nation, I'm not complaining about a snow day :3

Sunday 1 February 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Film of 2009.
I don't care about the hype, this film deserves all the awards it can get, cos I certainly won't stop raving about it for a long time!
I felt disgust, light-heartedness, fear, hope, tension, stress, love and relief in the space of two hours. I cried like a baby, and laughed from the beauty that is this film.
It's both moving and uplifting. GO AND SEE IT NOW.

Also, this week's lessons:
1.) Never wear new shoes without socks
2.) Always check that toilets flush before using them
3.) Never go to India unescorted.