Sunday 27 September 2009

Black soles

We closed the bar last night, so no more pulling pints for me. Due to the fact that we had to finish the barrel, the beer was freely flowing and everyone ended up slightly smashed, but it was nice. A good, carefree atmosphere.
Today we cleaned the kitchen, which took an age, but I survived with wrinkled hands, black feet and an aching back.
From now until friday I am on 'holiday', luckily the weather is beautiful right now, so I'm predicting a lot of beach time. Yesterday I tried bodyboarding, which isn't as easy as it looks, although I did get wiped out less than with a surfboard mainly because it's harder to get up enough movement.
Friday I believe I'm moving to Biarritz, which is kind of annoying because I have met so many cool people here...but I can always come back to visit I guess, it's only up the road.
It's still early days, having this on repeat is helping a her voice.

Oh and Han, are you okay? Message me or something, cos we haven't talked in more than three days and I'm worried haha!


  1. hey chick! well this is a tune. No more bar work? what will you be doing? all the best for the move. I love you sambear x

  2. where is your blog, man? I need your news! all my love. It meant a lot to hear from you on my birthday, i miss you x
