Saturday 19 September 2009

I'm alive.

Cycling in wetsuits in the pouring rain
Cycling up hills to then feel the thrill of going down
Running into the ocean at full speed
Doing my own laundry
Pulling beers
Half surfing, half drowning
Muscles aching from trying so hard
Driving around at night with music on full blast, the wind in my face
Lying in the sun
Thrift store shopping
Random nights out to the 'pub'
Meeting people from around the world
Dancing crazily, no one caring
Laughing long into the night

I feel free
For the first time in a long time, I feel happy
Here, alone, far from home
I'm actually living.


  1. I am glad you're so happy!! (Knew you'd love it!!)
    p.s. Don't worry about me, I'm not quite as stuck to my comp. as I make it seem <3
